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List of milestone projects executed by CAREER Centre

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Covid 19 and air pollution modeling using AERMOD 

Integrated Study on Air Pollution and Its Impacts on Covid 19 around Greater Chennai Metropolitan Region

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Hyperspectral remote sensing techniques for target detection

Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Techniques for Camouflaged Target Anomaly Detections Using Sensor Images

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Development of regional bio-optic algorithms for primary production  estimates around eastern coast of Tamilnadu, India

Development of robust algorithm and inter comparison of primary production and
chlorophyll a estimates around east coast - Tamilnadu, India.

Water Quality Mapping in Orissa

Water quality maps were derived for Orissa coast using satellite data

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Shore line Erosion studies in Gujarat

Vulnerable study areas along the Gujarat coast due to erosion are identified 

Hydrographic Surveys

Excess water (Flood water) can be collected in Chikarayapuram Quarries and can hold maximum of 0.55 TMC

Ground water modeling in Pondicherry 

Sea water intrusion to the extent of 14 km west is reported

Site suitability analysis for solid waste disposal

Selection of Dump Site in Chennai using GIS

Digital Terrain modeling

Bathymetry mapping for confirming the existance of canyons

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Coastal Vulnerability mapping for Chennai

Vulnerable areas due to composite coastal hazards are demarcated for Chennai coast

Cadastral Surveys for Puri Coast

Cadastral surveys on 1:2000 scale along Puri Coast

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Air pollution modeling

Annual pollutant concentration of Manali Industrial Complex is Modeled

Seismic Hazard Assessment 

Seismic Hazard Assessment for a nuclear site in India for Safe Shutdown and Operational Basis Earthquakes

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Soil erosion mapping 

Revised universal soil loss model has been utilised for soil erosion modeling in Cuddalore district

Restoration of River

Geo-Hydrological approach for restoration of Coovam River is executed

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