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  • The objective of the study is to use OCM3 sensor bands and its capability to measure the chlorophyll fluorescence stimulated by ambiance sunlight.

  • To develop different fluorescence algorithms to retrieve FLH from wavelength λF   = 681nm, λ1 = 670nm, λ2 = 780nm.

  • To estimate the chlorophyll concentration with reference to FLH measurements.

Methodology for FLH

Retrieval of sun induced chlorophyll fluorescence is one of the most important parameter to quantify phytoplankton biomass. In the proposed study, phytoplankton chlorophyll fluorescence is determined from satellite measurements through FLH algorithms using three bands around 681nm.The study proposed the retrieval and utilisation of relevant wavelength bands ranging from 670nm to 780 nm with the goal to improve the effectiveness of chlorophyll retrieval algorithms in optically complex waters.


Maximum chlorophyll fluorescence concentration at λF   = 681nm with reference to λ1 at 670nm, λ2 at 780nm will be obtained using OCM3 spectral bands. From the existing relationship (J.Fisher & U.Kronfeld, Ricardo Leletier, Mark Abbott, Jasmine Nahorniak and Lena Kritten,Hoge)



Source :Umamaheswara Rao, P V Nagamani NRSC


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