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Ten Days Online FDP on Advanced Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for

Environmental Sustainability 

Session V : Remote sensing and GIS Applications for Disaster risk reduction - Dr. S V Shiva Prasad Sharma, Scientist/Engineer ‘SF’, National Remote Sensing Centre - ISRO, Government of India.

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Highlights of the Session - V

  • The speaker presented a bar chart depicting the Annual Average Loss (AAL) versus natural disasters such as wind, tsunami, earthquake, storm surge, floods of the entire globe. He also presented the risk profile of India by pie charts showing AAL and multi hazard AAL.

  • Presented globally defined protocols/conventions starting from Rio summit, 1992 to UN summit on sustainable development goals, all of which incorporated Disaster resilient community and safer world as one of its prime goals.

  • Explained climate change and ‘stern warning’ with details from Nicholas Stern report, 200 and he gave a clear-cut understanding of the fact that poor countries are more vulnerable to natural disasters.
  • Resilience-building policy measures such as early warning systems, financial services, social safety nets, land-use plans to save billon economy were discussed and also briefed on the risk reduction strategies, Building community resilience through a sustainable livelihood model.

  • Discussed the disaster management framework in India which included several agencies, plans, networks and strategies; role of satellites in DMS and space observation strategies. He gave a short note on IRNSS(Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System)and GAGAN(GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation)and also presented the various elements at risk mapping versus scale. For example Transportation network has to be mapped at smallest scale of 1:100,000 and so on. 

  • Elaborated on the different methods of flood prone area assessment – Historic satellite observations, Integration of flood level with DEMs, Hydraulic modeling, all with examples and also about ISRO - DMS programme. 

  • Listed out the current Indian earth observation satellites such as Cartostat-2, INSAT-3A, RISAT-2, etc and their usage and discussed the various phases of disaster cycles adopted by NRSC – Preparedness, Response, Mitigation etc. 

  • Presented various case studies like Rishganga landslides, change detection of snow/glacial cover in Dhauliganga catchment, Uttarkhand flash floods-2021 etc with several satellite images and also Flood zonation Atlas developed for Assam and Bihar. 

  • Finally concluded with bank erosion study of Brahmaputra and Barak rivers in Assam using satellite Remote Sensing techniques.

Session VI : Coastal erosion studies an Indian Scenario - Dr. Satya Kiran Raju Alluri , Scientist D , National Centre for Coastal Research – MoES, Government of India.

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Highlights of the Session - VI

  • The speaker briefed about the formation and landforms of our coast along with coastal processes such as wind, coastal currents, tides, waves, cyclones; nearshore, longshore, cross shore sediment transport and coastal hazards like erosion, etc.

  • He explained about natural (cyclones), man-made (longshore transport, littoral drift) causes of erosion and various time scales (very long term, long term and seasonal) with the case study of Coringa in Andhra Pradesh, Pulicat lake and Vellar estuary.

  • Detail about shoreline changes and delineation of shoreline along Indian coast with the help of maps and how to find the shoreline for sand shores, rocky coast, coast with structures and vegetated coast were narrated.

  • He has discussed how satellite images were used to collect the ground control points, rectification and extract shoreline positions. The estimation of rate of change of shoreline by Weighted Linear Regression using Digital Shoreline Analysis System ( DSAS).

  • He also explained the two types of uncertainity including Positional Uncertainity which involves Tidal error, seasonal error and Measurement Uncertainity involving Digitizing error and Rectification error.

  • He illustrated the case studies of Coastal erosion along Indian coast (1990 – 2016) and explained how the Web GIS based coastal change system is used for coastal management and coastal status. He showcased other case studies like Long term morphological changes (50 years), Environmental trend and beach status for Sagar Island, 1986 & 2016 study of Sundarbans and so on.

  • Mr. Satya kiran has described the Coastal Management strategies, impact of coastal infrastructure and also about the key principles of coastal protection such as comparison of stable & eroding beaches, sand based solutions with Pondicherry case study and structural solutions like groins or offshore breakwater. He also listed out some of the hard structures( sea walls, groins and offshore breakwater), soft structures (beach nourishment, sand bypassing), mixed structures( beach nourishment + groins)and coastal structures (both functional and structural)

  • Case studies of Erosion along Pondicherry coast, Impact of coastal infrastructure, Impact of Pondicherry port on coastline and the management of longshore sediment transport using pocket beaches and nature based solution for Ramayapatanam, Odisha were demonstrated.

  • He has also described the reason for more floods in recent times and the architecture of Inundation module which involves upstream hydrology, riverine flood, urban flood and ocean hydrodynamics. He also showcased the framework of flood modelling, flood warning system ,IFLOWS and the combined effect of erosion and sea level rise on the coast.

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