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Session 12 :  Geospatial applications pertaining to ocean services handled by Mr. Mahendra R.S, Scientist E, INCOIS, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India


Highlights of the Session - 12

•    The operational ocean services from INCOIS including Ecosystem services like potential fishing zone, coral bleaching alert, harmful algal bloom, coastal water quality and multi hazard early warnings like Tsunami early warning, Storm surge early warning, ocean state forecast, Marine search and rescue and oil spill trajectory were addressed.
•    Potential fishing zone advisory service using primary parameters like chlorophyll and sea surface temperature was briefed. The use of ocean colour data in detection of algal bloom information service was also explained shortly.
•    The role of coastal observatory for water quality in monitoring harmful algae, mitigating coastal pollution, coastal water quality, coastal processes, ocean modelling was narrated.
•    Tsunami early warning  along with the participation of IMD,NIOT, ICMAM, SOI, ISRO, NRSC, INCOIS, MHA, NDMA, coastal states was explained with steps involved like detection using   observation networks, seismic networks, BPR networks, tide gauge and communication facilities like VSAT, INSAT, GPRS, IMMARSAT was explained in detail.
•    Storm surge early warning along with IMD, state forecast for five days about significant wave height and swirl height which were used by navy, coast guards, merchants was also explained.
•    Marine search and rescue tool based on SARAT advisory was also briefed with the steps including SAR model, Probabilistic scenario and Advisory.
•    Oil Spill trajectory which can be used to forecast the coast going to get damaged and helps the coast guards in taking necessary measures was also given an insight.
•    Climate change was defined and components of climate change process like natural influences, human activities, radiative forcing by CO2 were highlighted. Sources of ice melt and its potential impact on sea level was explained with an examples like Indian Ocean sea level observation, sea level rise- Indian scenario, Implications of climate change and sea level rise. Vulnerability of Indian coastline was also explained with example.
•    Assessment of Marine hazards  such as Tsunami, storm surge, extreme wind forced waves, long term sea level rise were assessed with parameters like frequency of event, type of impact, limits of area likely to be affected, potential warning time using bathymetry and topography for coastal hazard assessment , Tsunami buoy Network, tide gauge network were narrated.
•    The process of Vulnerability assessment using parameters like shoreline change rate, sea level change rate, coastal slope, significant wave height, tidal range, coastal elevation, geomorphology, CVI was explained in detail and use of coastal vulnerability atlas was briefed.
•    Coastal multi hazard vulnerability assessment –MHVM methodology including parameters like extreme water level, sea level change, shoreline change, and topography was addressed.
•    Examples of 3D mapping techniques were illustrated.3D GIS mapping, 3D Visualisation Analysis system, 3DVAS application, GPS & SMA data for Tsunami warning, was also explained with examples.
•    Coral reefs was defined and their formation, types, benefits, main threats, distribution, coral reef remote sensing were narrated with an example of Eco-morphological zonation of coral reef and health modelling using LIS IV data.
•    Dr.Mahendra has defined coral reef bleaching and also spoke about coral reef alert service based on relationship between intensity and duration of heat stress and risk/severity of mass bleaching, temporal patterns of recurrent coral bleaching.
•    He also gave an insight into. Satellite based coral bleaching mapping steps, coral bleaching alert system (CBAS), Satellite derived SST based service, GAGAN & NAVIC tools, ocean observation network involving ocean observation platform services (RT), R&D (DM).
•    The steps of process specific observation, ocean physical processes, marine boundary layer processes, bio[- geo chemical processes using services like Tsunami buoys, tide gauges, GNSS & SMA, wave tide buoy, AWS were explained in detail.
•    Present operational modelling systems of INCOIS like unified ocean modelling and forecasting systems, computing, communication, web infrastructure and International Training centre for operational oceanography was highlighted.


Session 13 :  VEDAS : Applications of Big Data Analysis and AI for earth observation data handled by Dr Shasikanth A Sharma, Scientist G, SAC-ISRO, Government of India


Highlights of the Session - 13

Live demonstration of various applications of VEDAS portal( were informed to the participants.


  • Various applications such as Earth Observation, Renewable energy, Vegetation and Crop monitoring, etc were shown on the fly. 

  • Visualisation tools are represented and highlighted with Vegetation and Crop monitoring examples using data from ENVIS, MODIS, SENTINNEL-2, etc.

  • Identification and retreival of Soil moisture images, Rainfall images, PET(Potential Evapo-transpiration images using VEDAS was demonstrated with live datasets.

  • Creating NDVI images at regular frequencies and how to make a composites for proper usage were explained.

  • Temporal analysis to find the image difference for different dates, represented with   different colour coding is explained with an example of Chennai region.

  • Range analysis is a unique feature of VEDAS, which enables us to do geospatial query. 

  • Real application of Big Data like long term analysis is explained and how to find out  change in trends of the region of interest over the past years.

  • Reservoir capacity analysis and temporal changes with the help of SAR data has been demonstrated with examples for Gujarat region.

  • Application of NDVI analysis for any field or area can be done by drawing polygon and associated statistics.

  • Cloud cover removals with the use of AI has been demonstrated with the examples in Himalayan regions for exact demarcation of Snow cover regions with AWIFS data

  • Urban Information system using AI(CNN) techniques are higlighted to indicate the powere of Bigdata, they have also created and trained the model for 100 smart cities of our country. 

  • 3D city model of Ahmedabad is created to generate the building footprints and the height of the buildings. 

  • Earth Observation module was demonstrated with thematic maps whic are available for various aspects such as desertification, wetlands, etc.

  • Snow and cloud are demarcated very clearly and snow cover maps are created. 

  • Renewable energy module is highlighted with Solar energy availability information, its forecasting, solar calculator tool, etc are all made available.​

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