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Session 10 :  Ocean Color Remote Sensing, Applications and Challenges handled by Dr P.V. Nagamani, Head - Scientist SF, Biological Oceanography Division, NRSC - ISRO Hyderabad.


Highlights of the Session - 10

•    Biological, physical oceanography, its importance and how it is measured by listing instruments and platforms like, flow meters, spectrometers, spectroradiometers, buoys, Argos and drifters.
•    The importance of phytoplankton and the methods used for measuring index of plankton biomass.  Also, how fluorescence helps to estimate the amount of chlorophyll in water and in turn phytoplankton concentration. She has also narrated the identification of algal blooms by estimating Chl-a using standard remote sensing chlorophyll algorithms.   
•    The concepts of OCRS was explained in detail with various processes like absorption, scattering and reflection. Radiative transfer in OCRS was given an insight.
•    Total water leaving radiance, the radiance above sea surface due to all surface reflection effects within the Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV) was addressed. The inherent and apparent optical properties of water were also highlighted.
•    Case-I and case II water types was informed in short and listed the various ocean colour sensors and platforms, available at present and the ones scheduled for future.
•    The need for biogeochemistry, major ocean biogeochemistry science questions like, ocean biology inter annual variability, impacts of climate change, marine CO2 sequestration and role of biological pump, impacts of population growth on coastal ecosystems and data requirements like, long time series of global observations, consistent and accurate on- orbit sensor calibrations, improved accuracy in data products, adequate field /laboratory calibration and validation were addressed.
•    Various applications of ocean colour data such as ,marine resource management, ocean primary production, species specific fish forecast, fluvial fluxes in coastal environment, HAB detection and monitoring, monitoring of dust storms and its transport, climate changes studies, aerosol studies, strategic planning, synergistic use of surface winds, ocean colour, SSHA, SST for PFZ.
•    The spectral signatures of water vapour, chlorophyll, water, GELBSTOFFS, diatoms were displayed and its use in data retrieval from satellite images, identification of various constituents was also elaborated.  
•    The various steps in ocean optics like cloud mask algorithm, atmospheric correction, bio-optical algorithms were depicted and the information about ISRO’s different ocean colour programs like MOS, OCM-1, 2, 3 were shared.
•    The process of retrieval of chlorophyll from OCM data was described and the improvements in OCM 1 products, glint correction of OCM 2 imagery were explained with appropriate example.
•    The case studies of Validation of OCM 2 chlorophyll product, use of hyper spectral under water radiometer for case I water  were addressed and the case studies of Identification of phytoplankton blooms along east coast of India, identification of Algal blooms along Orissa coast, Myanmar coast, OCM derived Primary Productivity, Inherent optical properties (IOP)s over Mahanadi Estuary, Identification & Monitoring of phytoplankton blooms in Arabian sea, Estimation of pCO2 from satellite data, Reprocessing of Oceansat 1&2 for generation of climate quality were explained. 
•    Case studies on applications of OCM 1 such as Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ) forecast along East coast of India, Synergetic study of SST and chlorophyll for generation of integrated Potential Fishing Zone forecast along East coast of India, Distribution of commercially important species, post cyclone IRS-P4 OCM derived image of suspended sediment along Orissa coast, suspended sediment along Odisha coast, coastal and open ocean upwelling, island effect on circulation, Estimation of suspended sediment concentration ,Naval applications, detection of dust events were narrated.
•    Various informations about BHUVAN-NICES web portal of ISRO, current research and development activities, challenges and path forward were discussed and concluded with areas of studies reported to get benefitted from ocean colour observations.

Session 11 :  Bhuvan Geospatial portal  and its significance - Mr. M.Arul Raj, Group Head (i/c) - Scientist SF, Bhuvan Geospatial and Web services Group, NRSC - ISRO Hyderabad.


Highlights of the Session - 11

•    Bhuvan is a Geospatial platform of ISRO ( is highlighted by its host of services covering visualization, free data downloads, thematic map display and analysis, timely information on disaster, project specific GIS application available in English, Hindi, Tamil & Telegu developed using open-source Geospatial solutions. 
•  Visualization platform, platform for free data clearing house, platform for building user applications, etc explained.
•   Availability of NRSC Open EO Data Archive is demonstrated which allows download of free satellite data and products of specified period and resolution. It includes cartosat, oceansat, etc.
•    Bhuvan – Thematic services facilitates the users to select, browse and query the thematic datasets from this portal. It includes data on landuse land over, erosion,urban sprawl, etc.
•   Bhuvan – ‘Disaster Management Information Support ‘ provides data for management measures for disasters like flood, forest fire, etc.
• Bhuvan Data Dissemination procedure – Web Map Services(WMS), Web Map Tile Service(WMTS), Web Feature Service (WFS), etc.
•    A quick summary of Bhuvan – hosting 60TB time series satellite data having 360m to 1m, 30 state portals, etc.
•    Journey of Bhuvan from 12th August 2009 till date  along with its transformation features are explained to the participants. 
•    Areas of applications are eloborated with examples how the platform is citizen centric and how it helps in monitoring and evaluation, asset mapping and inventory creations, Strategic, decision making, planning and development,  reporting and advisory, resource management and Covid 19 support. 
•    Governance application are indicated 
         1. National level projects – MGNREGA, PMAY, etc.
         2. State level projects- APSHCL, CDMA, HARPATH, etc.
         3. International support  -. Disaster services, SAC portal, etc.
•      Some examples of applications  - Forestry: Karnataka Forest, Tourism GIS and Heritage site: 
Ameristar Tourism, Integrated Watershed Management Programme(IWMP), Bhuvan Ganga               portal, school Bhuvan, state portals, etc.
•     Global usage of Bhuvan is explained based on statistics - first comes India followed by US, China, Brazil, UK, UAE, Singapore,  Russia, Hong Kong and Germany. 
•    Geospatial support for Covid 19 INDIA – Geo Visualization, dashboard, mobile application for Telengana health department, home quarantine tracker, Tamilnadu-covid beds, etc.
•      Bhuvan API- Proximity API, Routing API with standard JSON output, etc.
•     Change of Bhuvan homepage for ease of use and ideation features.
•     Live demonstration of Bhuvan portal usage.

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